Rongo University Celebrates the Remarkable Graduation of the Class of 2022/2023

On Thursday, October 19th, 2023, the Rongo University campus was abuzz with joy and celebration as the Class of 2022/2023 marked their Harvesting Day. This momentous occasion was a testament to their unwavering dedication and hard work throughout their academic journey.

The colorful event was graced by an impressive array of dignitaries representing various departments and organizations. Notable figures included Hon. Paul Mungai, the PS for Higher Education, who represented the National government, Governor Ochillo Ayacko, representing the Migori County government, Dr. Rachael Masake, Chair of the Rongo University Council, and Prof. Samuel Gudu, the Vice Chancellor of Rongo University, among many other special guests.

Dr. Masake delivered an inspiring message to the graduates, urging them to seize every opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. She emphasized the importance of not waiting for the “perfect opportunity,” as it might never come. Graduates were encouraged to maintain their momentum of hard work and discipline, noting that Rongo University had equipped them to make strategic life choices.

Prof. Gudu, the Vice Chancellor, congratulated the graduates, commending their unwavering commitment to academic excellence. He called on them to take immense pride in their achievements, a testament to their hard work and dedication.

An outstanding highlight of the event was the awarding of an honorary degree to Hon. Dalmas Otieno Anyango, the former MP for Rongo constituency. He received a Doctor of Arts (HON. D. ARTS) HONORIS CAUSA in recognition of his exemplary efforts in driving the rapid growth of Rongo University from a small Technical college. In his acceptance speech, Hon. Anyango expressed his honor and commitment to doing more for his people, inspired by this recognition.

The 8th graduation ceremony also marked the launch of the first-ever Rongo University International Research Journal (IJORU). This journal will provide a wide range of opportunities for authors and researchers to publish their work in a quality open-access journal characterized by vigorous peer review, integrity, and transparency.

The ceremony was truly momentous, with over 1000 graduates reaching the culmination of years of hard work, determination, and moments of doubt. One graduate, Faith Atemo from the School of Information, Communication, and Media Studies, expressed her gratitude to the Rongo University community for their support during her academic journey. She pledged to uphold the name of Rongo University in the job market and to demonstrate that it produces productive graduates.

The Class of 2022/2023 has embarked on a new journey, equipped with knowledge, skills, and the determination to make a positive impact on the world. Rongo University takes immense pride in their achievements and wishes them success in their future endeavors. Congratulations to the graduates of 2022/2023!