Digital Inclusion Training Empowers Boda Boda Riders at Rongo University

(Rongo University hosts a Digital Inclusion Training to empower boda boda riders with essential digital literacy skills, bridging the digital divide in South Kamagambo Ward, Migori County, Kenya.)

South Kamagambo Ward, Migori County, Kenya

In an effort to bridge the digital divide and empower local motorbike operators, Rongo University recently organized a Digital Inclusion Training session. Spearheaded by the university’s ICT department, this event aimed to equip boda boda riders with essential digital literacy skills, thereby enhancing their ability to participate in the digital age.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Boda Boda Riders

Professor Gudu, addressing the gathering, emphasized the crucial role played by boda boda riders in the community. These motorbike operators provide essential transportation services and contribute significantly to the local economy. However, many of them lack access to digital tools and knowledge, hindering their participation in the digital age. Professor Gudu highlighted the importance of equipping these riders with digital skills to enhance their professional and personal lives.

Highlighting the Digital Divide

Dr. Abila, head of the ICT department, highlighted the existing digital divide. Despite the widespread availability of the internet, marginalized communities still face barriers to accessing online services and information. The training aimed to address this disparity by providing practical skills and knowledge to boda boda riders, thereby promoting digital inclusion.

Rongo University’s Role as an Information Hub

Professor Gudu underscored the importance of Rongo University’s website as a hub of information. From academic calendars to campus updates, everything related to the university is available online. Boda boda riders were encouraged to explore the website and utilize its resources for personal and professional growth. This initiative not only empowers the riders but also fosters a sense of community and connection with the university.

Voices from the Ground: Impact of Digital Literacy

The significance of digital literacy was echoed by the participants. Mr. Napoleon Mogaka, a dedicated boda boda rider, expressed his enthusiasm about gaining digital skills. He believes that these skills will open up new opportunities for him, both in his business and personal life. Another participant, Biko, highlighted the potential of e-citizen services available online. These services streamline administrative processes and enhance efficiency, making daily tasks more manageable for the riders.

Commitment to Ongoing Digital Inclusion Efforts

Dr. Abila assured attendees that the university’s commitment to digital inclusion extends beyond boda boda riders. Rongo University plans to reach other segments of society, ensuring that no one is left behind. By empowering individuals with digital literacy, the university aims to create a more equitable and connected community.

Conclusion: A Step Towards Digital Empowerment

As the training concluded, participants left with newfound knowledge and a sense of empowerment. The journey toward digital inclusion continues, one step at a time. Rongo University’s initiative marks a significant step in bridging the digital divide and fostering a more inclusive society.