

To be a leading Analytical/Nutraceutical Chemistry research scientist, scholar, inventor, mentor and policy marker whose works in nutrition, Environmental, Occupational, Public Health and HIV & AIDS research will touch and improve the lives of mankind in Kenya and beyond.

Research Interests:  Role of micro-nutrients as effect modifiers of exposure outcomes to environmental contaminants. Diseases of interest include malaria, TB, HIV & AIDS, giotre and cancer. I am also keen on formulating and procuring intellectual property and commercializable rights for nutraceautical products for disease management, including HIV, AIDS, TB, pneumonia, asthma, arthritis and cancer in Kenya and beyond.

  • Graduated with PhD in Analytical/Food Chemistry from Kenyatta University, where title of thesis is “The role of serum zinc, copper, retinol and -tocopherol in modulation of immunity in HIV & AIDS subjects in western Kenya”. This thesis has contributed to new knowledge by showing that the body lowers serum zinc levels so as to produce HIV antibodies necessary in significantly reducing viral load. Consequently, this has led me to re-defining the scientifically contentious cause of AIDS not to be only by HIV but by multiple factors, primarily including zinc deficiency as a result of malnutrition and or evolutionary dynamics that shift human immunological responses from predominantly Th-1 to Th-2 to adapt to/tackle offending pathogens (e.g. viruses, fungi, parasites, semen in the rectum/vagina e.t.c) and chemicals (e.g. pesticides, dioxins, contraceptives, fumonisisn, aflatoxins e.t.c.). This hypothesis has in September 2012 been corroborated by findings reported in the New England Medical Journal by Browne et al. who reported AIDS without HIV infection in subjects in Taiwanese and Vietnamese subjects and attributed it to genetics and environmental factors, demonstrating that I am a cutting-edge researcher on AIDS not only locally, but internationally.
  • Registered by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) under the Environmental Management and Coordination Act as an Environmental Impact Assessment/Audit Lead Expert on 10th August, 2012.


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